Giant trees
still exist
in BC's interior
Approximately 60 km up the Columbia West FSR past Kinbasket Lake Resort. there is an ancient giant cedar, possibly the Mother Tree, that is still surrounded by a thriving grove of large and looming old growth trees. The Mother Tree, shown here, sits close to the left side of the road from where it is easily visible. Across the road from it the forest has been clear-cut logged.
There are a scant number of groves that remain like this in BC's interior, but some can still be found around Smith and Cedar Creeks. Currently, these trees are within deferral zones, but these deferrals are temporary and offer no real protection.
To help gain recognition for these remaining invaluable groves, in March 2022 the large Mother Tree tree was nominated for BC's Big Tree Registry, a project by UBC. Registration was officially verified in September 2022.

Big trees need real protection
There are still limitations to the protection offered through the Big Tree Registry process, but we agree that these trees are in need of better representation which can lead to better protection.
Learn more about why nominating and registering trees in BC's interior is important, and how to become involved.

Although this rare patch of giant trees remains standing today and is within a provincially-designated Old-Growth Deferral Area, the deferrals are temporary and this ancient and complex forest remains at risk of being logged in the future - unless responsible changes in forestry practices are created that make these areas permanently off-limits. Learn how to engage.